Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just Some Odds & Ends

I've not posted a blog for a while, so, I figured it was time.

We took a trip last week up to Millersberg, Ohio. It is the Amish area of Ohio. It's about 2hrs away from the Boonies. We went to a couple of antique shops and were disappointed at the prices...I think they kind of hike up the prices for us tourists..We did get some good Amish cooking and stopped at a cheese factory and brought some cheese home. I am always struck by the areas where the Amish live. Their homes & grounds are always immaculate. Houses painted, nothing in the yards that shouldn't be there...Just always so clean..Check out the picture of the farm...

Later on that same week my oldest grandson Patrick, came to visit for the weekend. He brought his friend Will with him. Will came from California to stay with Patrick's family for a while. He and Patrick became best friends when Patrick went to HS in California. As you can see, they took over our living room. They slept there, they played their video games there, they ate there and they wrestled like a couple of gradeschoolers there!! I thought for sure that they would watch the sun come up while they were here from staying up all night, but, I think they are both still on California time. They will come again this next weekend. Next, these next two pictures are for Kat from Just a couple of my hummingbird pictures from a couple of years ago.
Then, I was sitting outside on the front porch early one day last week. I heard a noise coming from the side yard. The next thing I knew, I saw what you see below bolt across my front yard and into the street. Luckily, I had my Blackberry outside with me and I was able to take this one picture before he went up the street and disappeared.

Finally, while my daughters have given up on their diets...I have not. It has been slow going, but to date, I have lost 17lbs.


Kat said...

WOW! Congrats on the weight loss. Thank you for the awesome photo of the little guy at the feeder. Aren't they just amazing?
I know how it is when the grands come home, I just let the place go until they are gone!! Nice that at his age your grandson still likes to come and stay with you, that should make you feel so good!
This is long, but I grew up not more than an hour away from I think it was called Middleton, where there is an large Amish community. My mom and dad would drag all 7 of us kids to the auctions there. It is highly commercialized now. Good memories.

Jessie said...

Thanks, Kat, It's slow, and one slip up causes me to work all week to get rid of those 2 lbs.
Don't know what the deal is w/this blog..Not being able to click on the pics..kinda sucks, because that farm is just beautiful!!
Patrick is my oldest grandchild, and he knows once he gets here, he can do pretty much whatever he wants....
I LOVE the hummingbirds!!! We have them every year, and look soo forward to when they come around every year..And when they leave in the fall.......They stop by and say good-bye to us!! I swear, they do!! They come by, take a drink, then come over to each of us, hover at eye level at each of us for a few seconds, and then leave. After that, we don't see them till the following spring!!
(mine's long, too!)

deitra said...

yes double congrats on the weight lost. i have been following ruby and i cannot beleive how much influence she has on people.

and those pictures of the amish country are exactly how i remember it, also the sheese factory you mean heinies or walnut creek cheese, botha re good.