Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's Getting Closer...

Warm weather and sunshine is getting closer to becoming a regular event! The tulips are starting to bloom, and it looks like there is weeding to be done, as well!Since moving out here to the boonies, we have been able to do some of the things that we love, but rarely got to do in the city. Stargazing is one of those things. Try to look at the stars in the sky while you're in the city..Venus and a few scattered other stars. Go out to the country and the sky is filled w/stars!! I LOVE it!! Most nights after I'm done working, I will go out to the side yard and just look up...I never tire of it.The other thing is bonfires!! One of the first things we did when we moved out here was build a firepit..A HUGE firepit. With all of the severe weather we've had in this past year, there is more than enough tree limbs to pile on for a magnificent first bonfire!


Kat said...

We love building fires! Glad you are finally getting to see some color! It is a beautiful Easter morn here. We are going for a ride in the country with our friends.

Jessie said...

Yesterday was beautiful. Today it's 40 degrees, but it's sunny! No buds or blooms on the dogwoods yet, but, hopefully soon!
I wish I could go for a ride, but, it's a workday for me..I'll be sitting down to work in less than 2 hrs...