Sunday, February 22, 2009

Should I Or Shouldn't I?

I didn't ask the girls and I have only 3 followers on this blog, so should I or shouldn't I keep the multitudes informed about our weight loss attempt? It might give me more will power to keep it up, but if'n I fail miserably, the multitudes will know it and there goes my kingdom...
I know it's going to be slow for me. I can't walk a block w/o my hips and back cussing me out. I don't know whether it's the weight or the old age arthritis taking more hold on me.
My venture IN to work a couple of weeks ago was a wake-up call. I've been sitting here at home working for so long that I am exercise deficient. A 7 minute walk at the hospital gives me the opportunity to sneak a cig. A 4 minute walk gets me to the cafeteria. That's a lot different than here at home.
Ok..I've decided...No weights will be posted, but every Friday I will post our losses.
I'll see if they want me to put their pics here....Don't hold your breath.

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