Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 1

Kelly -1
Me - 2
Erin + 5

Erin didn't have a scale and was going on what she weighed the last time she was at the Drs 2 weeks ago. So, we don't really know what her exact weight was when we started this thing. She feels she did lose weight because her rings are looser.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Should I Or Shouldn't I?

I didn't ask the girls and I have only 3 followers on this blog, so should I or shouldn't I keep the multitudes informed about our weight loss attempt? It might give me more will power to keep it up, but if'n I fail miserably, the multitudes will know it and there goes my kingdom...
I know it's going to be slow for me. I can't walk a block w/o my hips and back cussing me out. I don't know whether it's the weight or the old age arthritis taking more hold on me.
My venture IN to work a couple of weeks ago was a wake-up call. I've been sitting here at home working for so long that I am exercise deficient. A 7 minute walk at the hospital gives me the opportunity to sneak a cig. A 4 minute walk gets me to the cafeteria. That's a lot different than here at home.
Ok..I've decided...No weights will be posted, but every Friday I will post our losses.
I'll see if they want me to put their pics here....Don't hold your breath.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Notice anything??

My PC is gone! It took a major dump Thursday and I actually had to go IN to work at the hospital and bring the PC w/me to drop off at IS..

I got a call from IS today.....My computer is fried, dead, kaput, in the scrapheap! My boss said that I had killed it.

Fortunately, they have a few spares, but, this being the end of the week, my new computer won't be ready till at least Monday. Soooo, I get to go IN on Sunday and Monday to work...

It's a good thing I have 2 pair of slacks!!

Oh yeah, Riverside is HUGE and along w/being HUGE it is SMOKE FREE everywhere on the property.You can't even go to your car and smoke. I smoke. I had 2 cigarettes yesterday while I was there. The first one was in the parking garage hiding between SUVs..It took me 7 minutes to get there, 7 minutes to smoke the cig and another 7 minutes getting back to the department. Last one was about an hour and a half later, when a friend rode me around the block in her car before she left for the night.

Now 2 more days to have to go in...this will not be pretty