Thursday, June 4, 2015

Back To Five

When I first stated this blog the url was justthe3ofus. Then we got Petunia in 2010 & then there were 4. Well, my sister Shirley moved in with us last August and shortly afterwards she got a baby white rat, I mean Chihuahua named Pi. Now we are 6

Not too long after Shirley moved in, she ended up in the hospital & then rehab for her broken back, & we were in charge of Pi. Pi was a free spirit, loved exploring everywhere & listened to absolutely no one! I opened the side door & Pi ran out & into the front yard. I called for him & he ignored me. He went out into the street, all the while I'm yelling at him,and into the yard across the street he went.i turned around, walked towards the door, Pi decides to come back across the street...Dead Pi. Damn car just kept on going. I didn't recognize the car, haven't seen it since. Down to 5.

Sis got out of the hospital, we managed to survive the winter & for Christmas, my girls got Shirley a new white rat. This one is Lulu. Back to 6!!

This winter was a rough one for our GSP, Mocha. She's 15, losing bladder control & falling a lot. A month or so ago, she was standing on the area rug & her legs just gave out & she collapsed. We decided that it was time. May 4th she crossed the rainbow bridge & is now pain free & chasing squirrels like she did when she was healthy. It's not the same w/o her. All of us, including the dogs, still grieve over her absence.

Back to 5.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Awe I definitely think abut her a lot ��