Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Story

I was just born at 11:16 pm. I saw my mom's face and she was crying. The Dr took me in a blanket while my mom rested. 
While I was the nursery, my dad watched through the glass. I was taking a bath it felt funny! My mom and dad named me a cute name!!!!
30 days after I was born, my mom got a letter from the health department saying my PKU came back abnormal, genetics said I had Alpha thalassemia which makes me look more pale. But it's not going to hurt me.
I'm 2 now and spinning is my favorite. I don't look at my mom a lot and I run fast. I explore everything and look at close details; details interest me a lot.
Water feels good on my skin and so does sand and dirt. I'm not scared of anything. I do daring things like jumping off my mom's sofa and coffee table and the tv stand. I look down when I walk and sometimes, i shut my eyes. I also run fast away from my mom. she chases me it seems as if it's a game sometimes!
I'm 3years old now my mom is worried about me because I don't talk. My birthday is coming up, so My mom made me a Dr appointment. maybe I was developing slower than other 3 yr olds. They played with me and watched me. They threw a ball at me and it was all overwhelming. I had a lot to say but nothing would come out. There were so many people there looking at me it and it made my adrenaline move fast. it scared me. A week later we were at the same place more people were looking at me and I felt scared and uncomfortable. I just ignored them and played with the door knobs and phone that was on the wall. When we left, I felt better the radio was on. I love music! A couple days later some people came to my house to see me. I just watched some tv and spun in circles a little bit.
I am 3yrs old and 1 month now. I am getting on a bus I'm scared where am I going with out my mom or dad? I was in a room with kids and bigger people. I get to play out side eat snacks and sing MUSIC!
I've been in this room almost everyday where the big people love me and the little kids try to play with me. I feel loved in this room like the love my mom and dad give me. I smile a lot and hug a lot and my mom shows excitement every time I talk or write my name!
My name is Matteo Chavez I'm almost 4 I have severe autism, so please be patient with me. Enjoy my company, and smile when you see me!

(This is my grandson, my daughter wrote this to try to see things through his eyes)

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