Thursday, October 11, 2012

Benghazi - A National Disgrace

It all started with a video, at least that's what the administration said. A bunch of Muslims pissed off at a video came to protest at our embassy in Libya. It just got out of control. Nothing to see here, sorry about those 4 Americans killed. That protest turned into a mob. That's what Susan Rice, Ambassador to the United Nations for the United States of America said 5 days later on all the Sunday morning news shows.

It had NOTHING to do with the fact that it was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, it was "spontaneous". A "spontaneous" mob with RPG's. Ok, nothing to see here.

How long would it take for the administration to admit it was a terrorist attack? How long would it take for the administration to say that it was Al Queda? Both Clinton and Obama disgraced those dead men and their families in front of their coffins, by blaming the attack on that video. Two weeks later when President Obama addressed the United Nations, he was still apologizing for the video and never called the attack a terrorist attack!

It turns out that the administration knew all along that it was a terrorist attack, and why they never admitted it until just this last week, watch Obama's campaign commercials.."Bin Laden is dead and Al Queda is on it's heels". That's all he can run on is killing Bin Laden and killing Al Queda terrorists with his drones.(He sure can't run on how awesome the economy is).

Now, they're saying it was a terrorist attack, and tossing blame everywhere but in their own hands. First, the video, then the Libyans for letting it happen, then insiders inside the embassy that let the terrorists in.

Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands. Our embassies are under the umbrella of The Department of State and Hillary Clinton. All ambassadors report to her. The State Department had been sent 13 requests for more security for the Benghazi embassy, and they turned them down. One democrat blamed the republicans for denying funding for the State Department, trying to deflect blame away from the Secretary of State.

I don't know how high up this goes, I do know that Secretary Clinton is in charge and that puts the onus on her. I do know that there was a concerted effort to cover this whole mess up by the White House. Why else would press secretary Jay Carney say over and over again that a video was to blame and terrorism was not involved. Yesterday, he swore he never said that. Why else would Obama apologize for the video two weeks later, when they knew from day one that it was Al Queda. They watched the whole damn thing in real time!!

Today Stephanie Cutter a spokesperson for the Obama campaign, said that "Benghazi wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for Romney & Ryan". REALLY???? 4 men dead, our embassy destroyed, (embassies are considered AMERICAN SOIL)cover-up after cover-up with countless lies and it wouldn't be an issue except for Romney and Ryan??????????

This country has been attacked once again on our own soil by Al Queda and this administration has done everything it can to cover it up with the help of main stream media, until it just couldn't be hidden any longer just because it is a month away from the election.

This is my humble opinion: ANY one who would vote for this administration to stay in power is asking for the complete downfall of this country. The constant lies that come from this administration and broken promises will continue if President Obama is reelected. This reminds me so much of the Carter years. We were constantly attacked by foreign entities, and threatened by others. From hostages taken in Iran by Muslim extremists to Ambassadors being assassinated by Muslim terrorists, it's the late 70s all over again! (Including the lousy economy!)

Friday, September 7, 2012

They Think They Know What's Going On

I was having a conversation w/a voter tonight, and he told me that social media, blogs & you tube will eventually make "mainstream media" news obsolete. That may come some day, but, it's not there yet. There are still people that don't have a computer.

There are still people that don't have cable. Seniors, mostly. Seniors that live in the same farm house they've lived in for 40 yrs out in here in the boonies. They watch the noon news right after The Price Is Right, watch the local news and then the network news ABC, CBS or NBC in the evening and think they know what's going on.

They hear the news about Romney wanting to take their Medicare, and they believe it. Brian Williams said so.

They hear that the recession was Bushes fault because of the unfunded wars, the unfunded tax cuts and out of control spending and they believe it. Scott Pelley said so.

They don't know a thing about Solyndra. They never heard of Fast and Furious, they think the Tea Party is racist and Occupy Wallstreet is full of patriots. They heard that Rush Limbaugh said a poor college student afraid of not being able to pay for her contraception is a slut. But, no one told them she was a 30 yr old professional student and is a women's rights organizer w/ties to the Democrat Party. Diane Sawyer never said anything about that.

I've seen these people. I've seen them at the local market. They drive in once a week to get groceries in their 15 year old car w/their lined bifocals, walkers and hearing aids the size of cell phones. If they're here in rural Ohio, they're all over this country. That's a lot of misinformed people. And that scares the hell out of me. It scared me last election and it scares me even more, this election.

How do we get to these people? How do we tell them that their Medicare is safe if Romney is elected and The Affordable Healthcare Act is repealed? How do we tell them that when they need a pacemaker or a new hip, it will now be taxed, if they're allowed to even get that pacemaker or hip. How do we tell them that Obamacare will take over 700 billion dollars from Medicare to help pay for itself. Not from them directly, but from the hospitals that they go to. They will cut the reimbursements to hospitals for Medicare patients. That will affect their care, they'll go home sooner, because if they stay longer, Medicare won't pay. Some tests may not be done, because Medicare won't pay for them or pay at a reduced rate (more reduced than before) And that a lot of those hospitals and their doctors are considering not taking Medicare patients anymore because of this. I am a retired healthcare worker, I know of what I speak.

How do we get to these people? If you know someone like this, talk to them. Ask your friends if they know anyone like this and ask them to talk to them. These poor people think they know what's going on and they don't. Inform them, let them know.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Text for Matteo

This is for my grandson, Matteo. He just turned 4. He has severe Autism and has unlimited energy. And he's a runner. The Delaware County Sheriff's office has placed a gps monitor on his ankle so he can be found if he takes off. He's gotten out of the house several times because someone/anyone forgot to lock the 4 locks on the door to keep him in, and has covered 200 yards in the matter of minutes. He's nearly caused auto accidents from cars trying to avoid him running across a busy street near his home. There are bars on the windows of his home.

In the past year, he has improved by leaps and bounds. He talks now, and will actually look at someone and kind of engage in a conversation w/them. He still spins, has meltdowns, stays up all night, wrecks the house, and does anything he can to get out of the house to escape. The boy has no fear of anything. The county did provide a 6 ft privacy fence, so he can now go out in the back yard and play. He scanned that entire fence, trying to find a way out, and had such a look of frustration when he couldn't find any place. But, he enjoys the back yard, where he plays w/his brothers & sisters.

The above organization is helping Kelly raise the money to get Matteo a service dog. The service dog will help him interact more but what is more important, a service dog will protect him. If he takes off, the dog will stop him. The dog would be at his side 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Service dogs are expensive because they are being trained to do something specific for a specific individual. 13k is the cost. The organization that trains and gives the dogs homes has decided to match any funds Kelly raises to get him his dog. If Kelly can raise 8k, the organization Autism Service Dogs Of America will match it, and Matteo will begin the process of getting his own service dog. The extra money will provide the transportation cost for Kelly and Matteo to fly to Oregon for the training.

I'm asking that anyone who reads this, text the above number tomorrow August 22 and ask your friends to do the same. Times are hard for everyone these days, but, $5 isn't much if it helps the cutest kid on the planet!! (No bias here!) We're hoping that if we can get enough people to do this, Kelly can get the money needed a lot quicker.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I guess my retirement came earlier than I first reported. THE boss called me yesterday and since I had requested vacation time for my last week of work, she gave me the rest of this week off as well. So, as of August 15, 2013....I am a retired person!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Phase of Our Life Will Begin Soon

Before the month is gone, I will be retired. After almost 28 years of working for one company, I will say goodbye. I've worked at home for this company for the past 12 1/2 years. But, before that, I've watched and helped this organization change and grow.

We have gone from index cards and microfish to paperless medical records.

We have gone from one specified person taking a needed chart to the floor to the doctor being able to pull the chart up on a computer screen.

We have gone from doctors coming into a room to physically sign their charts and to dictate their reports, to electronic signatures and recording devices on every floor of the hospital.

We have gone from 13 coders in an office coding from a foldered chart to over 75 coders coding in their jammies in front of their computer at home.

I was one of those coders. Jammies, coffee, cigs and a computer. That was my world. For over 12 years that was my world. From uploading my work every morning and hand writing all the codes and faxing it into the department, to reading an already scanned chart, coding it and hitting finalize and watching it disappear, to a computer program that supposedly codes the chart for you. Yeah...a computer program that codes the chart for you...

This, I think, is the main reason I am retiring. Coding isn't enjoyable for me anymore. Spending my evenings deleting erroneous codes and rearranging good codes is not my idea of coding. Spending my evenings trying to make a chart look as if it has been coded correctly, the way I was taught, and then being criticized because my production is down is disheartening and just plain wrong.

Maybe I should explain what "coding" is: You go into a hospital to get your knee fixed or have your gallbladder taken out, or you go to an outlying facility and have an x-ray or a mammogram or you fall and go the the emergency room. When you do that, someone has to pay for it, hopefully, your insurance. In order for your insurance to pay for it, they have to know what was done. That's coding. Putting your diagnosis and procedures that were done into ICD9 & CPT codes. Those codes tell the insurance company what was done to you and they pay your bill based on those codes. In other words...I don't code it, it doesn't get paid and the hospital turns into a parking lot.

With that said, you can see how the accuracy of coding should be paramount, right? It would seem that this is not the case anymore. This computer program that codes the charts for us, is a disaster. It's function is to pick out key words and convert them to diagnosis codes and key phrases to turn them into procedure codes. Subsequently, some of it's "coding" is beyond ridiculous. Example: lady comes in w/a headache. Her neighbor had a stroke last week and the headache scared her. Diagnosis from the program? Stroke. I could go on forever, but, I'm not going to. This is what I've become, a deleter..not a coder anymore, a deleter.

I guess I delete too slowly, because for the past 3 months, my production has been down. Since it's been 3 months and I haven't improved, I was instructed that I had to come IN to the hospital to work for 2 months or until my numbers went up.

I have been home since the last century. Never any problems before. Always got good yearly reviews and my raise. Now, because of this monstrosity called ACTUS, I'm not a good enough coder anymore. So, instead of driving 50+ miles one way 5 days a week for 2 months and going out to buy a work wardrobe (jammies aren't part of the dress code at the hospital)I put in my 2 weeks notice and I will retire early.

My daughter told me I should blog now that I'm going to be a lady of leisure..ok, this is the first.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Story

I was just born at 11:16 pm. I saw my mom's face and she was crying. The Dr took me in a blanket while my mom rested. 
While I was the nursery, my dad watched through the glass. I was taking a bath it felt funny! My mom and dad named me a cute name!!!!
30 days after I was born, my mom got a letter from the health department saying my PKU came back abnormal, genetics said I had Alpha thalassemia which makes me look more pale. But it's not going to hurt me.
I'm 2 now and spinning is my favorite. I don't look at my mom a lot and I run fast. I explore everything and look at close details; details interest me a lot.
Water feels good on my skin and so does sand and dirt. I'm not scared of anything. I do daring things like jumping off my mom's sofa and coffee table and the tv stand. I look down when I walk and sometimes, i shut my eyes. I also run fast away from my mom. she chases me it seems as if it's a game sometimes!
I'm 3years old now my mom is worried about me because I don't talk. My birthday is coming up, so My mom made me a Dr appointment. maybe I was developing slower than other 3 yr olds. They played with me and watched me. They threw a ball at me and it was all overwhelming. I had a lot to say but nothing would come out. There were so many people there looking at me it and it made my adrenaline move fast. it scared me. A week later we were at the same place more people were looking at me and I felt scared and uncomfortable. I just ignored them and played with the door knobs and phone that was on the wall. When we left, I felt better the radio was on. I love music! A couple days later some people came to my house to see me. I just watched some tv and spun in circles a little bit.
I am 3yrs old and 1 month now. I am getting on a bus I'm scared where am I going with out my mom or dad? I was in a room with kids and bigger people. I get to play out side eat snacks and sing MUSIC!
I've been in this room almost everyday where the big people love me and the little kids try to play with me. I feel loved in this room like the love my mom and dad give me. I smile a lot and hug a lot and my mom shows excitement every time I talk or write my name!
My name is Matteo Chavez I'm almost 4 I have severe autism, so please be patient with me. Enjoy my company, and smile when you see me!

(This is my grandson, my daughter wrote this to try to see things through his eyes)