Saturday, March 28, 2009

Looks Like Spring!

Yep, it sure does look like spring..However..Looks can be deceiving, because there is a chance of SNOW tomorrow!!!

Week 5

Me - 0 total 8
Erin - 2 total 8
Kelly + 2 total 4

Way to go Erin!!

As for me....I haven't walked that much this week, it's been cold and rainy. But, I haven't eaten after 8, so I should have lost something!! I know that at my age, I need to do more to lose, so, I will start walking regularly again, starting today. I need to get past that elusive first 10 lbs..

Kelly?? I think her husbands birthday Thursday blew any hopes of her losing weight this week!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 4

Me -2 total -8
Erin - 0 total -5
Kelly -4 total -6

I am convinced if I do NOT eat after 8, I will continue to lose. We were out and about practically all week last week and that pretty much served as my exercise, since I rarely go out and about....

Erin couldn't get out to walk because hubby is working from dawn till dusk.

I've been asking Kelly for her loss/gain since Friday, and she finally let me know today. That's why it took me so long to post. She took us out to dinner last night for our anniversary, and I don't know if that will affect my weight on Fri or not...we'll see.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week 3

Me - 2 total 6
Erin -2 total 5
Kelly AWOL....

I started out bad, cheated some, but, came on strong the last couple of days. Erin hasn't been able to walk like she did last week because she didn't have anyone to watch the kids and it was COLD this past week. Kelly.....No where to be found..Not a good sign. Hopefully, she will surface soon and get back in.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 2

Me -2 total - 4
Erin - 3 total -3
Kelly +1 total -0

Erin is the big winner this week..she is walking more and concentrating on finding fat free or nearly fat free snacks.

It's been hard for me, since I have had to go IN to work all week. The cafeteria food is expensive and since I don't get there till 3, it is very hard for me to get my meal in before 8 w/o snacking while I work. I have walked more, since our dept is in the middle of a huge hospital, so, I imagine that is why I was able to lose some weight this week.

Kelly is having trouble weaning herself from Mt Dew and Chipotle. Mt Dew, mostly. She's been drinking either Mt Dew or Pepsi for most of her adult life and can't break away from that sugar buzz she gets. She's getting headaches and is convinced it's because she doesn't do the Dew...