Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our New TV!!!

Our old 55in TV died a week ago today. We got our money's worth out of that old TV...We won it about 10 yrs ago at bingo. We spent $2 for 2 tickets. One was a number. That number came in and was put into a bowl with 19 other numbers and ours is the one that was pulled for the TV.

Today we spent $680. for the 37in TV you see above. Even though this TV is much smaller than the one we had, you can't notice any difference in the size. The picture is soooo much brighter and clearer, that the fact that it is smaller than the other makes no difference at all! I LOVE IT!!


Kat said...

Good for you! I have been wanting one of those new ones, but the Sanyo just won't seem to quit!

Jessie said...

LOL!! I hear ya!! The one we had before this one we had 15yrs, gave it away, and it's still going strong!!

Marcia Ramirez said...

I was one of those people who thought, "My tv looks good enough. How big a difference will it REALLY make to get one of the new high-defs?" Well, I learned it makes a HUGE difference!! I LOVE MINE!! Glad you got one too!! Congrats!

Jessie said...

Thanks, Marcia. I spent the day yesterday, catching up on my DVRd shows from last week...I was in heaven! The sound, the picture..perfect! I was worried when we couldn't get the 42in one, that this would not be big enough for our long living, but I'm so glad I was wrong!

deitra said...

oh be quiet you all. i hate you right now marcia and jessie"lol", did i mention i really am jealous here"lol".