Thursday, October 11, 2012

Benghazi - A National Disgrace

It all started with a video, at least that's what the administration said. A bunch of Muslims pissed off at a video came to protest at our embassy in Libya. It just got out of control. Nothing to see here, sorry about those 4 Americans killed. That protest turned into a mob. That's what Susan Rice, Ambassador to the United Nations for the United States of America said 5 days later on all the Sunday morning news shows.

It had NOTHING to do with the fact that it was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, it was "spontaneous". A "spontaneous" mob with RPG's. Ok, nothing to see here.

How long would it take for the administration to admit it was a terrorist attack? How long would it take for the administration to say that it was Al Queda? Both Clinton and Obama disgraced those dead men and their families in front of their coffins, by blaming the attack on that video. Two weeks later when President Obama addressed the United Nations, he was still apologizing for the video and never called the attack a terrorist attack!

It turns out that the administration knew all along that it was a terrorist attack, and why they never admitted it until just this last week, watch Obama's campaign commercials.."Bin Laden is dead and Al Queda is on it's heels". That's all he can run on is killing Bin Laden and killing Al Queda terrorists with his drones.(He sure can't run on how awesome the economy is).

Now, they're saying it was a terrorist attack, and tossing blame everywhere but in their own hands. First, the video, then the Libyans for letting it happen, then insiders inside the embassy that let the terrorists in.

Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands. Our embassies are under the umbrella of The Department of State and Hillary Clinton. All ambassadors report to her. The State Department had been sent 13 requests for more security for the Benghazi embassy, and they turned them down. One democrat blamed the republicans for denying funding for the State Department, trying to deflect blame away from the Secretary of State.

I don't know how high up this goes, I do know that Secretary Clinton is in charge and that puts the onus on her. I do know that there was a concerted effort to cover this whole mess up by the White House. Why else would press secretary Jay Carney say over and over again that a video was to blame and terrorism was not involved. Yesterday, he swore he never said that. Why else would Obama apologize for the video two weeks later, when they knew from day one that it was Al Queda. They watched the whole damn thing in real time!!

Today Stephanie Cutter a spokesperson for the Obama campaign, said that "Benghazi wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for Romney & Ryan". REALLY???? 4 men dead, our embassy destroyed, (embassies are considered AMERICAN SOIL)cover-up after cover-up with countless lies and it wouldn't be an issue except for Romney and Ryan??????????

This country has been attacked once again on our own soil by Al Queda and this administration has done everything it can to cover it up with the help of main stream media, until it just couldn't be hidden any longer just because it is a month away from the election.

This is my humble opinion: ANY one who would vote for this administration to stay in power is asking for the complete downfall of this country. The constant lies that come from this administration and broken promises will continue if President Obama is reelected. This reminds me so much of the Carter years. We were constantly attacked by foreign entities, and threatened by others. From hostages taken in Iran by Muslim extremists to Ambassadors being assassinated by Muslim terrorists, it's the late 70s all over again! (Including the lousy economy!)