Friday, September 7, 2012

They Think They Know What's Going On

I was having a conversation w/a voter tonight, and he told me that social media, blogs & you tube will eventually make "mainstream media" news obsolete. That may come some day, but, it's not there yet. There are still people that don't have a computer.

There are still people that don't have cable. Seniors, mostly. Seniors that live in the same farm house they've lived in for 40 yrs out in here in the boonies. They watch the noon news right after The Price Is Right, watch the local news and then the network news ABC, CBS or NBC in the evening and think they know what's going on.

They hear the news about Romney wanting to take their Medicare, and they believe it. Brian Williams said so.

They hear that the recession was Bushes fault because of the unfunded wars, the unfunded tax cuts and out of control spending and they believe it. Scott Pelley said so.

They don't know a thing about Solyndra. They never heard of Fast and Furious, they think the Tea Party is racist and Occupy Wallstreet is full of patriots. They heard that Rush Limbaugh said a poor college student afraid of not being able to pay for her contraception is a slut. But, no one told them she was a 30 yr old professional student and is a women's rights organizer w/ties to the Democrat Party. Diane Sawyer never said anything about that.

I've seen these people. I've seen them at the local market. They drive in once a week to get groceries in their 15 year old car w/their lined bifocals, walkers and hearing aids the size of cell phones. If they're here in rural Ohio, they're all over this country. That's a lot of misinformed people. And that scares the hell out of me. It scared me last election and it scares me even more, this election.

How do we get to these people? How do we tell them that their Medicare is safe if Romney is elected and The Affordable Healthcare Act is repealed? How do we tell them that when they need a pacemaker or a new hip, it will now be taxed, if they're allowed to even get that pacemaker or hip. How do we tell them that Obamacare will take over 700 billion dollars from Medicare to help pay for itself. Not from them directly, but from the hospitals that they go to. They will cut the reimbursements to hospitals for Medicare patients. That will affect their care, they'll go home sooner, because if they stay longer, Medicare won't pay. Some tests may not be done, because Medicare won't pay for them or pay at a reduced rate (more reduced than before) And that a lot of those hospitals and their doctors are considering not taking Medicare patients anymore because of this. I am a retired healthcare worker, I know of what I speak.

How do we get to these people? If you know someone like this, talk to them. Ask your friends if they know anyone like this and ask them to talk to them. These poor people think they know what's going on and they don't. Inform them, let them know.