Sunday, February 13, 2011

Checking In

Yeah, I know, it's been a while....Trying to get through a very cold winter here in the Boonies..We're still using that space heater and electric blankets and sweatpants and long sleeved everything to keep the heating bills down. It's still working..
Over the past year we've gotten a new pooch and a new grandchild!! And if I can remember how to do it, I will post pictures of both...
Petunia the bulldog is the new pooch..She's 15mos old. My daughter bought her and unfortunately, Petunia was born w/a dysplastic hip and at 4mos had to have the ball of her hip removed. The breeder gave my daughter a new pup and she thought that Petunia would have an easier life out here w/2 old people and a German Short-haired Pointer than w/her and her 2 kids and a German Shepherd, so.....Her name was originally Candy, but....she snorts, snores, waddles and farts, so we renamed her...She kinda reminded me of Porky Pig's girlfriend.....
Our son, Michael got married in June of 08. He was 34 at t
he time and it was his first marriage...He now has his first child! Riley Nicole Mann came into this world on July 6th of 2010!!
Still fighting the battle of the bulge....I'd lost 33lbs w/the first go-around starting out first w/low fat, then moving to low carb via recommendation from the doctor.... Gained 17lbs back, so, I did the New Years Resolution thang, and am now doing what I feel is the most sensible...I'm counting calories...I started the day after New Years and have lost 14 of those 17lbs. Hubby is doing the same thing. He started a little later and has lost 10lbs. I've got a nifty app called myfitnesspal and by entering in what I eat, it will count my calories for me. It has all kinds of foods programmed in w/their calorie counts and it's not been too hard to find what we are eating in it's data base.
I'm going to try to do better w/this blog..I promise! I'll let you know how the Battle of the Bulge is doing and will try to post more on our never-ending-excitement-all-the-time life here in the Boonies of Buckeye Lake........