Saturday, October 25, 2008

Working at home

Yep, I work at home! I've been home for 8 yrs sitting here at my desk coding away and becoming a hermit....
I don't get out much....Mike's days off are Mon & Tues. My days off are Fri & Sat. I may go grocery shopping w/him, or to the bank and once in a while, if I get done early enough, we'll take a ride on Mon evenings or go and have a beer and dinner at the local dive here. But, that's about it. I've got my monthly meetings at the hospital and once in a great while, I will take him to work and use the car and go see one of my friends.
That's the worst thing about working from home. I miss my friends. I miss the socializing we did when I worked at the hospital. That's who most of my friends are, the girls at work. First Riverside and now Grant. I used to see them a lot more till we moved out here to the south shores of Buckeye Ocean. But, it's not as easy for them now to just stop by, like they did when we lived in the big city of Columbus. It's a "road trip" now... It's an overnighter, now and has to be planned well in advance......sadly they are few and far between...
Ask me if I would ever go back to working in an office? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!! We are saving tons of money by me working at home. Gas, wardrobe, lunch and mileage on the car are all moot points w/me working from here. I don't have to get out of my pjs, I can smoke and I can even do some house things while I'm working. If I didn't work from home, there is no way in hell we would have moved soo far from Columbus...there's no way we could afford it! And I LIKE being able to walk from the living room 20, 25 feet and end up at work! I LIKE being able to walk 15 feet or so to get to the front door to sit on the porch and have a cig. I don't miss rush hour traffic!! I don't miss the BS in an office setting, the back stabbing and the oneupmanship of that place! But....I miss my friends..