Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wake Up Call

So I'm sitting on the couch late one night in early February, watching TV, when all of a sudden, my left arm drops. I mean a dead drop. I couldn't lift it, I couldn't move it, it was dead. I thought "uh oh, this isn't good"... Three minutes or so later, it's back. Cool! Wonder what that was.. Early the next week I told my Dr what happened & he took a listen to my right carotid artery. "Sounds good", he said. That Friday, Valentines Day, my daughter, grandkids & my grandson's girlfriend came out for dinner. I was sitting in the kitchen w/Patrick & his girlfriend Amber & my left hand fell asleep while I was eating. (I am left-handed) I told Patrick not to say anything to my daughter Erin about it because she would freak out..think I was having a stroke or something. (She had a stroke about 7 1/2yrs ago & still has problems)Mike knew my hand was numb & asleep, & I had convinced him & myself it was carpal or cubital tunnel. The next day, it hadn't gone away, in fact, it was worse & that's when I decided it was time to go to the ER to see what was going on.

When I was finally seen by a Doc & he did some neurological tests.."smile, stick out your tongue, touch each finger w/your thumb, etc", he concluded that I had had an "event" & he wanted to admit me for tests. SHIT! Diagnosis was TIA. I was there for 3 days and had every test known to man..CT, TEE, MRI which showed multiple small strokes, & finally and angiography which showed an 80% occlusion of my right carotid artery which was the reason for the stroke. They consulted a vascular surgeon & he said I needed to get that artery unclogged.

Dr Franz told me he'd have to wait 8 weeks after the stroke to do surgery. In the mean time, no salt, take my meds & try to stop smoking... About 3 weeks later I went to my Dr & when he saw me, he shook my hand & said "Congratulations on being here!" I was very lucky, it seems, VERY lucky. He was mortified that he missed the sound that a blocked carotid artery would make & wanted to listen again. Still, no abnormal sound. "This is a teachable moment for me," he said. "The next time I hear a story like yours & don't hear any abnormal sounds, that person is getting a Doppler! But, in your case, it wouldn't have been in time, you were in the hospital before one would have been done. Lucky, you were very lucky."

Dr Franz scheduled a stress test for me to make sure my heart would take the surgery. When that was deemed "normal", they then scheduled surgery. I was supposed to have it April 28. But, 3 days after they scheduled it, they called me back and said that Franz had a cancellation on Monday, the following Monday & would I want to have it then... I asked it this was an April Fools joke, & she said, nah, that's Tuesday. I talked w/Mike & we decided to just get it over with and do it. So, on March 31st, I had a carotid endarterectomy on my right carotid artery.

I went home the next day on 2 weeks rest w/no lifting or driving.

Two days later, I took off the gauze to take a shower and ten days after that, the steri-strips came off and all that was left was a big ass scar and tape goo that seemed to be destined to be there forever.

It's now the end of May, and after 2 follow ups, I'm doing well. Unlike before, I take my medicine everyday. I haven't quit smoking, but, I have cut it down from 2 packs a day to less than a pack. My first goal is a half pack a day. If I can do that..I can quit. I think the noncompliance w/my meds was my undoing. I was sporadic taking my blood pressure meds, & hadn't taken any high cholesterol medication for 2 years because every kind of medicine they prescribed, gave me cramps. Muscle cramps..curling toes, Charlie horses, stuck fingers, back cramps, you name it, I'd get them. Well, now I take my Lipitor religiously and just suck it up w/the cramping..Better cramps than becoming a veg.

I do have residuals. My left middle finger tip down to the top knuckle is dead, no feeling at all & my left thumb is tingly. Surgery residual is just numbness at the top of my neck and bottom of my chin on the right. I'll take it.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Petunia is a flower

She also is my dog

She's every bit as pretty

But she eats like a hog