What has happened to our country? Aside from the lies about Benghazi, we are now faced with first amendment rights being blatantly violated by this administration. First it's AP having records & phone calls seized by the DOJ, then we find Fox News' James Rosen was targeted. Look a little deeper and no, not just James Rosen, ALL of Fox News has had their lines tapped, e-mails read, & family members targeted. Oh yeah, then there's the IRS targeting and singling out groups filing for tax exempt status, because they have words like "Tea Party", "Patriot" or "Constitution" in their name. And they targeted GOP big money donors.
And the great thing about all of this is, nobody knows a thing. Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States & head of the DOJ, recused himself from the AP/Fox/journalist mess, his Deputy did that investigation...Holder, he knows nothing. And the guy that was asked to step down from the IRS, the Acting head of the IRS, the guy whose term is up June,1, Steven Miller & the former head of the IRS, Douglas Shulman...Oh that was a couple of zealots in Cincinnati that did that.....Miller & Shulman, they know nothing. Just like Hillary didn't see anything come across her desk for more security for Benghazi...Hillary, she knew nothing. And of course, our President....He didn't hear about the IRS thing till he saw it on cable news...And the AP thing..he heard about that a couple of weeks ago. And Benghazi...he went to bed..
Aside from the fact that NO one seems to know ANYTHING, what this all boils down to is Chicago style, intimidation politics! We have a bunch of thugs running the government! You disagree with this bunch, your lines get tapped, your e-mails are read, your Tea Party organization is targeted & you and your business is audited. It's happening, it's already happened! All done to put the fear of Obama in you.
Would you want to donate money to a cause knowing you and/or your business might get audited because of that donation? It would seem that this is a real fear of some big money donors to conservative causes. A GOP bundler has reported that business people are afraid to write checks after they hear of fellow business people they know, being audited and/or having hit pieces published about them after they've donated. Besides targeting conservative groups/people, the IRS gave personal info on these people being targeted to a progressive political group, Pro-politica. They, in turn, released this info to newspapers, tv, progressive blogs, etc, where hit pieces were published about them. One big donor was audited, his business was audited x2, the ATF anti-terrorism unit visited his home and the mainstream media called him a "shady Romney, millionaire donor". Would you want to donate?
And the idea of journalists phone calls, emails & personal lives being scrutinized by the DOJ......No matter what your politics, this is just plain wrong. What happened to our First Amendment? Supposedly 20+ AP lines were monitored because they broke a story of a terrorist plot broken up, before Obama could go out there and claim another victory on terrorism, himself! James Rosen of Fox News is being named a co-conspirator because he spoke to a State Department whistleblower.. And Fox News was scrutinized because, well, they're Fox News. We all know how much the Obama administration loves Fox News.. Fox News & Rush, Obama's favorite whipping boy. Oh yeah, and Bush...
Intimidation, fear, bullying and don't get me started on voter fraud....All are the tools of Chicago style politics, and all are being utilized to the max, in the Obama (a Chicago guy himself, ya know) Administration.
Our Constitution is being ripped to shreds. Our freedoms, as Americans, are being taken away, one by one. With every new law, comes more infringement of the freedom that made this country the backbone of the world, and that "shining castle on the hill" that so many look to. We better wake up before it's too late. It may be, already.